Sunday, May 9, 2010



I'm living in the corner
with the spider; he has
spun his web, I'm up to
no good. I can't leave
the spider he would be
all alone. I'd break his
web that would break
his heart, and he couldn't
eat. I'm up to no good.
I'm hiding here because
of her, she left me standing
with my mouth open. I'm
up to no good. Sympathy
is what I am after. The
spider is my friend,
but I would leave him
in an instant, I would break
his web, if she would
come back to me. I'm
up to no good.

I hate know it alls.
I try not to be one,
but, I think, that
sometimes I fail.

I am the only white person on the train

Ain't no white people on the train
at 3:40 p.m. on a Tuesday
Everyone is African-American,
except for two Asian girls.
I'm not sure what this says
about the price of eggs in China.

If things were different

I am the only person on this bus
just like I would be the only person
in the limousine.

What if you have no degrees in poetry
and have won no awards,or prizes;
can you call yourself a poet.
What if you haven't studied Pound,
or Yeats, or if you have,
and you didn't like them?

You got to have oil.
It is like blood man,
it keeps us alive.

I see what I see

Her hand is glued to a wine glass.
It is a regal wine glass,
designed, perhaps, to separate her
from the appearance of being
an ordinary drunk.
Maybe she's not a drunk.
Maybe, because I'm a drunk
my perceptions are skewered.
Maybe someone can wander about
their house all night constantly
replenishing their regal wine glass,
and not be what I am.
I am a judgmental man.
Let her drink her wine and be happy.

The doorstep that my morning paper is now delivered to is my laptop. There is no milk at the front door for either my kitten or I. These are the good old days, and they are passing by as fast as the free month that you sometimes get for signing up for something. The sun will shine today.

I wander off looking for something that is right in front of me. I search for answers to questions that have no solution. I need to clean my apartment, the excuse being that it is spring, the excuse being that I have new neighbors, and I might want to invite them in some time, for tea, or to meet the turtles.

Bundy and Morisson met the Great Danes, Henry and Anna, last night. Morisson, as could be expected spent the evening with his head on either lap of my two new neighbors. I had told them that he was an affection addict, shortly before I let him out on the porch, and the dog proved me one hundred percent correct.

Bundy was a perfect gentleman. He only barked or growled when Sam got a little too fresh, or forward, or frisky with him. I don't think that I have found the word that I am looking for to describe what it was that Bundy wouldn't stand for. This is midtown, but, as far as I could tell, the large Great Dane did not homosexually advance on Bundy.

I was proud of Bundy. He did not bite anyone, man, woman, or animal. He did not lose it in one of those bi-polar like fits of barking mania that used to characterize his behavior. He was a perfect gentleman. The old female cigarette commercial used to say
"You've come a long way," and Bundy certainly had. I'd like to take the lion's share of credit for his improvement. I was going to send that dog to kill shelter, I used to tell myself, because he is unfit for human consumption. He was a dog that no one would want, but you know what I wound up wanting him. Sometimes misfits are a good fit, and they have to stick together, put up a united front against the world. The world is so homogeneous. All our elected officials wear ties. They wear suits. They dress alike. They think alike, and the rest of us are screwed.

Little shit bit me

Little shit bit me.
Little shit bit me.
I thought that it was the dog
playing at my feet,
but it was little shit.
Little shit bit me.
Little shit bit me.
I thought that it was the dog,
playing at my feet,
but it was little shit.
Little shit bit me,
little shit bit me,
little shit bit me,
and ran off.

Lick the postage stamp and don't send it

Dollar bills in your eyes;
mostly, I can't criticize.
I'm behind on bills that
I wish I didn't have, but
I'm not going to go live
like Thoreau did.

Be careful how wide you
open the doors of perception,
you might not get back inside.
Jails and mental institutions
wait for those of you
that can't shut it down.

Say it should be legal,
but it ain't, get busted
for it you'll pee in a jar.

It seems so easy but sometimes
it's hard. Sometimes it seems hard
when really it is easy.

There is no meaning to most of it.
Reality is what you make of it.
The rules were put down by men seeking
to take advantage of you.
Love is everywhere, you just got to find it;
pull it to close to you, but don't bind it.

They ought to legalize it, but I won't smoke it.

You joined the military knowing
that Congress was corrupt,
you were willing to do what they say
to get your college degree,
don't tell me that you're innocent.
Everybody knows what went down
in Southeast Asia,
how is a war anywhere else
going to be different?

Freedom inside the cage

How do we know that the bird is free?
Maybe he or she are confined, too.

I say you can be mean
but I'm really looking
in my mirror.

Warrentless eviction backed by The Law

Women batterers and defenseless cattle gather not
in her mind. She has never been hit by a man.
She doesn't eat meat. The bible ponders
meaningless existence, but I didn't read the book
to its inevitable conclusion, so I don't know the outcome.


My eyes are dieing,
soon I won't be able
to see the bad in this world.

Gee thanks pal

Share the misery,
don't share the faith.

Ronnie's Gone

For the longest time
I couldn't give Johnny his due.
Nobody could replace his brother,
but this morning I discovered
what Johnny could do.


Back to sleep
dreams perhaps
though I don't
ever recall dreaming
in the day,
except for aspirations
that I have.

Foreign Language

Monkey is meowing loudly
outside my window.
Is she trying to tell me something,
or is she just saying hello?
I can't always tell
what cats are thinking.


I hear the birds singing,
and I see the sun rising,
through the window
that sits up and to the left
of my desk.


I don't feel like walking the plank, this morning;
I don't feel like winning one for The Gipper, which is refreshing.
I am in the moment, in love with the day.
I have had a nice cup of coffee, which is a blessing.
It is not requisite to my existence that I be granted coffee,
in the morning, but, somehow I am, and damn, I am thankful for it.

The day is full of possibilities.
Let's embrace the day. Ok?

It will be alright, mom, it will be alright.

I woke up too late, today, slightly after noon. I don't know what is making me need, or want, to sleep this late. I was getting up at five a.m., and writing for several hours, and then going back to sleep. I am thinking that since I have lost wetih

Some women like to have their heart broken,
and so do some men;
that's why they keep doing it again and again.

I wonder where he or she is going

A butterfly flutters in front of me,
and then flies away.

Spring in front of me

Just as I am thinking
that there is a preponderance of robins
this year,
a black bird lands on the utility wire.

They move about fast

When they are not killing
rats or squirrels
what do cats do when they are outside;
no television to watch,
no radio to listen to?

Facing it on Face Book

She's the kind of girl that says,
"Let's get together," but never does.
She is always busy, never answers
her phone, never returns email.
It takes you awhile,
but you figure out that she is a loser,
that you are wasting your time,
trying to have a cup of coffee with her
so you delete her from your Face Book account
and move on.

And no up-selling like at the bookstores

The librarian finds books
on his computer
that the general use computer
said were at another library.
I follow him up and down the aisles
looking for the number
that he is saying out loud
to himself
To me, finding the books
that I want
is a bit like finding gold
at the end of the rainbow
I am enriched,
and there is a smile upon my face
as I leave the library.

Are you taunting me?

Are you constantly taunting me,
like the bully did to me when I was a kid?

I need the world and I need it now

Dog's got to pick his bone;
loner's got to roam.
Banks intend to steal,
they never give you a fair deal.
A woman who's been burned
by a man, might be scared to love.
A guy with venereal disease
needs to wear the glove.
I never used to smile,
I would go the extra mile
to make you feel depressed, too.
Misery loves company,
what was I to do?
We are products of our own making,
we think we are individuals
but we are like cookies in the oven

Fair Trade

Be my sex object,
I'll be your poet.

My decision was good

I'm turning it over to him,
to make the decision.
I am scared of her,
she is like a father figure.
There is no use getting nervous,
sip your hot tea, and relax.
Love is all around you.
Love is all around you.

There are, sometimes, too many things to think about, like, this morning, I am thinking about eggs. Thich Nhat Hanh says that there is such a thing as, "Angry Eggs," eggs that were hatched by chickens who weren't happy with their lot in life, chickens who were mistreated, abused actually, in the name of stealing their eggs from them, so that they could be sold for immense profit.

I started eating eggs young. In fact I probably went directly from Momma's milk to eggs. Eggs were the first thing that I was taught to cook. I love eggs: fried eggs, scrambled eggs, omelets, poached eggs, hardboiled eggs; colored eggs at Easter. I love them all, so it pains me to think that I may be increasing my anger level by eating angry eggs.

Maybe when I am pissed off, it is not my fault. I now have the eggs to blame.

In lieu of sand between their toes

My dogs have never been to the beach,
except for the one whose ashes are contained
in a container that sits on a shelf.
That one loved the beach,
as I'm sure these two will,
when I finally take them.
For now, they will have to love the rain.

Henry woke me, barking at five a.m. He stopped for an hour, and then woke me at six a.m. I put my shoes, and a sweater on, and went next door to let him out of his cage.

Anna came out of her room and stood by the door. I lead both of them into the cold, dark outside. When they were done, Anna went back inside her apartment, and Henry followed me to my place. When I let my dogs out to do their thing, Henry followed them, and tried to get Bundy to play, but Bundy was busy.

Henry came inside our abode, and I immediately gave all three dogs a treat. My dogs can catch their treat in the air. Henry lets his treat hit him in the face, and fall to the ground where he happily eats it. I sit down to crank out some great literature. I give all three dogs a cube of ice. Henry plays with his for a bit, before he starts to lick it.

My dogs lay down; Henry starts wandering the apartment. Twice he tries to go down the hallway where the cats' food is. Twice I say, "No, Henry," and he listens to me. I am thankful for that.

Henry is a good dog, a great dog, a great Great Dane; he is just young: large, and frisky, and young. He loves to play with his toys. He loves to have me play with him and his toys. It seems that tug of war is Henry's favorite game. Henry likes to go into our kitchen, and sniff about. Henry checks the turtles out. Henry and Bundy play.

There is never a dull moment with Henry about. I thought that my dogs were full of life and energy, and they are, but Henry has them beat. Now, if I can only teach him not to bark, viciously, at the people who pass by him when he is on The Love Porch, I will really have accomplished something.

Did they threaten you?

The smile on your face
it seems out of place
you only smile
when I am in pain.
I am a warrior,
and you married The King
while I was away.
I started drinking a lot,
but there was not yet A.A.


Oh oh oh, my favorite friend,
here she comes again.
Oh oh oh, keep it in your pants;
she's just a friend.
You met her in June(around your birthday,)
and now it is December(around Christmas,)
and you haven't even held her hand.
Oh oh oh, you're not going to get any,
your not going to get to do what you want to do.
Oh oh oh, isn't being friends fun?

Yes it is, there are so many different relationships
that you can have with a gal,
there is nothing so wrong with being her pal.

A little ditty

Hire a kite.
Go with the flow.
Be one of the masses.
Marry young,
and screw her.

Eating Veggie Burgers: Can It Kill You?

I got an email tonight, with a link to a story saying that certain veggie burgers are bad for you.

"Nearly every major ingredient in conventional soy-based infant formula is hexane extracted," said the article, and hexane is not good for you.

Somebody always has to piss on the parade in the name of a buck. I'd move to the woods like Thoreau supposedly did, but I like living in the city, and wouldn't like living in the woods.

The dogs are asleep. I should soon follow them.

Royalty My Ass

Lord Palmerston, Lord Clanricarde, Denis Mahon,
The Marquis of Sligo, and The Earl of Lucan...

I hope that you are burning in Hell
for what you did to The Irish.

Trying to figure out the bird

This one bird is way louder than the rest,
this morning. Does that mean that he is
in a better mood than all the other birds
or does his loud singing signify something else?

A thought about my animals' future

My cats are young,
they have always been young,
but, one day, they will be old.
It is sad the way that pets die,
you see an animal that was once strong
become feeble.
Out of respect for the pet,
you often have him or her put down.
You keep the ashes in a shelf
in your bedroom,
waiting for the day that you die,
so that your children can mingle
your ashes with all your pets' ashes
and throw them all into the wind.

The beauty of the new day is brilliant. I am blessed to start it with a strong cup of coffee that I make Melitta style. I am blessed to hear the birds singing. I am blessed that my dogs are still asleep, and are thus allowing me time to type uninhibited! I need to change the turtles' water out, today. I am going to Physical Therapy, later in the day. My hip is going to be so strong.

Foil wrap

As a man who couldn't walk,
let me tell you
that it is a relief to walk,
and as a man who couldn't see,
it gives me great joy
to behold you
who stand in front of me,
and as a man who couldn't talk,
I will still try to bite my tongue.

Tug o War

This dog will be dead
before I die.
This dog will be old
before I am old,
so I shouldn't ignore him
when he wants to play.
We play an endless game
of tug of war
until I win,
and then we immediately
start over.
This dog is frantic
after his loss to win,
so I let him win
every once in awhile.

She's best to forget

I don't like her anymore
That is what I am going to
keep telling myself,
and, soon, all thoughts of her
will go away.

Maybe he didn't notice

She's falling into different mens' beds
says she doesn't want to be alone
so she does this instead.

The dogs get back together, even after I have yelled at them, and pounded on a hardcover book to stop. But when they get back they play a little quieter, respecting either me, or the power of the written word. Henry is good for Bundy. Morisson does not play. Morisson spends most of the hours of his day, trying to get me to play, trying to get me to scratch his head, trying to get me to rub his butt. Bundy, and Henry, bare teeth at each other, and they lay those teeth on each others' necks, they lay those teeth on each others faces, they lay those teeth anywhere they can find a place to lay those teeth on, but it is done in fun.

Morrison sometimes makes it hard for me to work. He is jealous of these laptop keys. They take the hands that he loves to have upon him away from him.

One of the cats is scratching in the litter box. I will soon need to buy new cat litter. The other cat is looking out the window at the birds. I know from prior experience, from back in the day when I would let Kobain go outside, that he is a bird killer. I love my birds, and I love my cats. I don't want my cats killing no birds.

Do I miss it?

Cocaine put me on the sidewalk in 1982
LSD put me in mental institutions in 1986
Alcohol put me in jail many times over many years,
and, sometimes, someone will ask me...

You don't have to believe in anything to pray

You can pray, if you don't believe
in God, if you don't believe in yourself,
if you don't believe in your sister,
or your brother.
You can pray, if your father has let you down.
You can pray, if your mother has let you go.
You can pray, if you have left the church behind.
You can pray, if you are out of your mind.

Midway through my morning coffee, I decide to let my dogs outside to do their thing. I have multiple purposes for doing this. I want to get my dogs out, for sure, and I want to get Henry, the Great Dane, out of his cage, from his apartment, next door, for a bit, before I go to the doctor's office, this morning.

I told Amber, owner of Henry, that I would keep an eye on Henry, and Anna, while she is at work, and her man, Andy, is out of town. I like having Henry around, and so does Bundy; they play together incessantly. I also like having Anna around, but since she is older, she spends more time in bed than Henry

This morning's cup of coffee is particularly delicious. Some mornings, even though I make it the same way every day, the cup that I sip on seems to take on a greater significance than on all the days past, and that is how it is today.

There were a lot of birds bounding from tree to tree, this morning, in the trees that line our street. I love to see birds moving about, and birds singing, the first thing in the morning; it somehow makes this great gift of life even more precious.

I'm going to The Butt Doctor, today. My Primary Care Physician, as my main Doctor is called, found blood in my stools, and this, coupled with the fact that I have recently become anemic gives her cause to send me over to The Butt Doctor for another colonoscopy.

I'm not really worried about it; I don't think that I have cancer, I think that I probably have a tear in my butt hole, a hemorrhoid, as such is called. I am grateful to have a Doctor who is keeping an eye out for such things for me, and I am grateful to have insurance that pays her to keep an eye out for me. As many ailments as I have, I would be way beyond lost without insurance.

"Because love grows where my Rosemary goes,
and nobody knows like me."

Henry was whimpering a little bit, not quite barking as I approached his cage, this morning. He was happy to see me, and anxious to be set free. There was some dog poop on the sidewalk in front of our house that I wanted to clean up, and Henry accompanied me on my mission. I scooped up what I could of the poop, poured some water laced with bleach on the remainder, and then covered the whole mess with kitty litter. I don't want my neighbors stepping in dog shit right in front of our house; it just wouldn't be prudent.

Edison Lighthouse sang the song that came to mind as Henry came into our house this morning. Bundy loves playing with Henry, and then Morisson gets to spend more time with me because Bundy is no longer competing with him for the affection of my hands.

So, we could change the lyrics to Love grows where Henry goes; and where Bundy, and Morisson go to. And Anna.

Listen to the song on here:,+and+nobody+knows+like+me.&btnG=Google+Search

Swallowing her words

I am reading a very good memoir,
called, "The Liar's Club," by Mary Karr.
A couple of weeks ago,
I read another memoir by her,
called, "Lit."
On my shelf is another memoir
by Ms. Karr, called, "Cherry,"
that I borrowed from the library.
It is nice to find a writer so good
that you want to read everything
that she has written.

A perfect world

I can't figure out if I think
that she is pretty,
but I'm not going to
waste too much time thinking about it
because she never much paid me
the time of day.
It is pretty out there today,
and I will soon be out in it,
taking a bus to the doctor's office.
I spend a decent amount of time
at different doctors' offices,
a function of the aging process.
I am glad that I have health insurance.
My heart goes out to those who don't
have it, and need it.
I wish that we lived in a perfect world.

How to really be rich

Some days, I am rich.
Some days, I am poor,
but what matters most to me
is that I have a smile on
my face every day.

I wish that I was sitting at a table, under the shade of an umbrella, like these people I just saw out the window, instead of riding a bus to the hip doctor's office.

I am certainly not complaining, but it is definitely a much more enjoyable thing to be kicked back and drinking coffee than to be riding a bus on your way to sit in a doctor's office lobby.

Usually, people riding a bus know which stop that they want to get off at. That wasn't the case, today, with this guy riding our bus. The gentleman had the lady driving the bus stop at five or six stops, before he found the right one.

The driver was quite patient, and quite pleasant about the whole thing, but I, weirdly enough, found myself getting agitated.


There are people who keep lists,
in their minds, if nowhere else,
and these lists prioritize people,
from who is the coolest,
to who is not cool at all.
Most of these people are living
in the past, and there is really
no reason to worry about
where you appear on their list,
or if you appear on it, at all.

Halfway through the morning cup

Though I am up and about,
sleep still has a hold of me;
it wants to take me back to my bed.

Jaggar has his nose pressed against the door window watching what the world is doing, this morning. Bundy has already been to that door and has growled, and barked, at the world. Morisson could care less what is going on in the world; he lays at my feet. I don't know where Kobain is, this morning; he has had his breakfast, and moved on. The turtles wait for me to clean their tank, this morning. There is much to do in this beautiful new day.

I am not always first, nor should I be

I was the first born, probably spoiled
or maybe my lousy attitude came out
of the womb with me.
It was always me, me, me,
and, if I am not careful,
sometimes it still is.
I'm not a kid any more
there is no Halloween or Christmas justification
for greed.
People will not alway do what I want them to do
when I want them to do it.
I need to breath in, and breath out more.

A dope conversation

do I know you?
did i sent you an add
or are you just trolling for men?
you Catholic girls can be weird.

It is funny how some chicks can
make you feel weird. Here I was
sitting at my desk, minding my
own business, and this gal pops
a box onto my computer screen
saying, "Do I know you?"

Now, do you know who you know?
I pretty much do.
I find silence irritating,
once contact has been made.
Say, "Fuck off," or something,
will ya honey?

I've got three dogs, right now, vying for one hand of mine. You would think that one of them would realize that I have another hand, and that that other hand is open, free to pet, free to scratch, free to mingle. These are three smart dogs, but what is up with this?

Sugar buzz kicks in, and I want more. And more. And more. And more. It was wise to only buy one egg, because if I had bought 100, that would be all that I would do for the next several days, would be to eat chocolate eggs. I'm addicted to sugar, the way it grabs me, and pulls me in, and sets up that immediate craving for more, more, more. I'm helpless. Somebody please help me, and give me some more chocolate.

He drinks like a rabbit fucks

Henry is a water drinking mofo.
I ought to just hook a hose
up to his mouth, and let him
walk around with it.
I read that that is typical
for his breed,
Great Danes have a great thirst.
I thirst for something,
possibly love,
but I suspect that I was designed
to be alone.

And when she was done her head hurt

She was tripping balls,
and she thought that she had hallucinated
the creature crawling across her foot,
she thought that the the creature
came from somewhere beyond the doors of perception,
but when she came down,
she realized that the creature
that she thought was from the world of Huxley was just
a centipede, a regular old centipede
and not a messenger sent to her
from another world to enlighten her.

Olivia Parham

I met Olivia Parham, yesterday
on her seventh week birthday.
She is a beautiful baby, very well mannered.
She may be the most beautiful baby
that I have ever seen.
Her parents did a great job in creating her.
They used to be my next door neighbors.
They stopped by to say hello,
and to let me meet Olivia.
It was nice to meet her.
She was well-mannered,
and she was beautiful.

How many strippers do it for love?

She was a stripper for cocaine,
when she was still almost a kid.

Packed like rats in a can made for sardines

The rock stars take to their stage,
while all in front of them are in their little cage.

Henry is a bookworm

While I was on the porch
talking with some friends
Henry, the Great Dane,
got a hold of one of
my favorite poetry books,
and he chewed one of the corners
pretty good.
He also took a bite out of
my bible.
I don't blame Henry.
I should have had him
in his cage when I wasn't supervising him.
Henry is a book worm.

What a moron

She left him out in the cold.
She put him out into the pouring rain.
She walked away leaving him to go insane.
He took the subway train,
and he took the subway train,
and he took the subway train.
He stayed on that train for weeks.
He didn't eat.
He didn't sleep,
and she carried on each new day
offering bright possibilities,
without him.

Ode to JL

The folks on the hill are winning
they have the priests and preachers
telling us that we are sinning.

Don't fall in

The clock is lit,
my heart is on fire;
I know that it's time
to extinguish my desire.

Think about it

They don't sell it,
and you can't bring it in,
so you will have to do without it;
except for one enterprising lad
who thought that he was smarter
than all the rest: he smuggled
his in, but they caught him,
and locked him away saying that
not only was he drunk,
but that he had violated the laws
of The Divine, and would have to
spend some time locked away,
thinking about what he had done.

Why ruin a good conversation?

I mostly enjoy talking to you,
except for sometimes,
when I find you frustrating,
but since I am enjoying talking
to you, right now,
I can't remember what it is
that frustrates me about you,
and I am certainly not going to
try to bring it to mind.

None of us exists alone

A dog goes ballistic next door,
causing my cat to jump in the window,
to see what is going on,
and two of my dogs to run to the front door, growling.
It is interesting to note the way
that animals affect each other.

No escape

Lunchtime was always my favorite
part of the day at those type of jobs
where I was surrounded by workmen,
the kind of men that carry a tool box
to work with them,
or pull it on wheels behind them.
Most of those guys made me sick,
I never wanted to be like them:
there for life.

Like father hope not

I think that he was drunk
when he started pointing his finger at me,
and screaming, "I know that you'll be a drinker."
I was like eight years old when that happened.
My father turned out to be right, though;
I started drinking when I was 14.
Fourteen seems so young, when I look back on it,
and, especially, when I looked at my kids at age 14.
The youngest boy started drinking
before the legal age of 21,
which surprised me.
At least he had the balls to tell me,
when I asked him.
To that point, I thought that I had
been raising a straight edge kid.
I hope that he doesn't wind up
in the shit that I eventually wound up in as a drunk.
All I can do is pray.

Check out my ass

I knew that women could get new tits,
but, tonight, I learned that
they can get shots in their ass
giving them a better butt.
I'm not sure what to think about this.
I was blessed with a nice ass;
a nice ass, and nice legs,
that's about all I was given,
besides dandruff, alcoholism,
sleep apnea, psoriasis,
and a few things that I take pills for
in the morning when I wake up,
and at night when I go to bed.
When my father died he left me
feeling even more guilty,
and lousy about myself
than I had been when was alive
and trying to make me feel guilty,
and lousy about myself.
Getting drunk felt good,
early in life.

Memoirs should be exciting, not dull

The book I am reading has gotten boring.
I am learning more about this woman's childhood,
than I need or care to know.

Are your tits real?

I'm not sure if you are allowed to ask her
if she, "has implants?"

Not much got done this session

"Fucking Republican."
"Fucking Democrat."
"Fucking Republican."
"Fucking Democrat."
"Fucking Republican."
"Fucking Democrat."
"Fucking Republican."
"Fucking Democrat."
"Fucking Republican."
"Fucking Democrat."
"Fucking Republican."
"Fucking Democrat."
"Fucking Republican."
"Fucking Democrat."
"Fucking Republican."
"Fucking Democrat."

The rise of a decline

Come into my arms.
Feel my charm.
Let me surround you.
Engulf you.
Squeeze you.
Pinch you.
Make you feel pain.
Point out your faults.
It started out warm,
and fuzzy.
But, it ended demented,
and bloody.

I'm late for a very important date

I meant to go early,
but, now, I might get there late.
There is no time card to punch,
no need to bag my lunch.

Saint K

I think I'm going to be a Saint, I said.
No you ain't, said my daddy.
So I hung with Satan, until I decided to do
what daddy said I couldn't do.
And, you know, a Saint isn't that hard to be,
if you put all your time and energy into it.

Think about it

I'm just going to mind
my own business,
put my nose to the grindstone,
make things happen,
and not think about her,
at all.

I'm not going to think
about her.
I am not going to think
about her.
I'm not.
I'm not.

She has the prettiest smile,
and the most beautiful eyes
that I have ever seen,
but I'm not going to think
about her.

I'm not.
I'm not.
I am not going to think
about her.

I like the way words roll
off of her tongue.
I like the way she touches me,
I am not going to think about her.
I'm not.
I'm not.
I am not going to thing about her.

It is hot inside this house this morning, but I am trying to hold off on turning on the air conditioner; I'm still recovering from the high winter heat bills, and would like to pay a reasonable amount to the greedy utility company before I up the ante to them for the summer months.

I'm not your model

All you need is a kit
that comes completely assembled,
and that's not me;
I'm still in pieces
wondering what love is.

Is this the nation?

Is this fascination
that I have for you?
Will I be loyal?
Will I be true?

A request

Moisten you lips;
lay your charm on me.

I say, "Hey, hey," and scare the blues away.
Today is such a pretty day; that's all I have to say.

What an immaculate day; I hear that it is going to rain tomorrow, but that won't ruin my memory of today. (Cont below)

I've got The Great Danes, Henry, and Anna, for the weekend: such fun. Anna pooped on The Love Porch, but it was my fault cuz I should have taken her outside, sooner. My physical therapy workout was great; I almost know the whole routine, and can do it by myself. When PT is over, I want to join a gym, and start working on the gut. Can you say 60, and six pack...?!! I am about to head out onto The Love Porch, and finish Alice Sebold's intense memoir, "Lucky," and then I am starting right in on Tobias Wolff's memoir, "This Boys Life," which was suggested to me by Poet Diana Carson May-Waldman. I'm listening to the new Gov't Mule cd: Gov't Mule kicks ass!! The Inman Park Festival is this weekend. When I lived in Inman Park, I hardly ever went to it, but I am thinking about going this year from way over here in Midtown. Peace to you. May your weekend be blessed.

I feel great; thank you for asking.

I just got in from my physical therapy workout. My new hip is feeling strong. I am anticipating joining a gym, when I am done with my PT sessions.

What a beautiful day!!

Henry, the Great Dane, from next door is visiting, right now. I am babysitting him, and his sis, Anna, until Sunday.

I am just about finished with, Alice Sebold's book, "Lucky," and I am going to start right in on "This Boy's Life," by Tobias Wolfe. It is funny that Mr. Wolf was talked about by Alice Sebold in "Lucky," as one of her Prof's at Syracuse, because these two books came home from the library with me in the same bundle, for different reasons. "Boy's Life..." was suggested to me by an online friend, who knows that I like memoirs, and "Lucky," was suggested to me by the librarian, who I told that I was looking for memoirs.

I just made some black beans and rice for dinner, but I m not hungry, now, because I just had a coffee and a blueberry smoothie.

How long are you in NY for? You are going back to Hawaii aren't you? New York is a good place to be to get published, and then once you are successful, you can live anywhere you want to, which you seem to be doing anyway!!

Success, of course, must be defined.
You are always on my mind.

She is love

"You are love," I told her,
and I think that it is true.
I am sure that she has
her bad moments,
and her bad qualities,
because she is human.
She is not Jesus,
I won't put her up on a cross,
and wait for her to rise.
I will take her as she is,
and as far as I can see,
she is love.

My black kitty, Jaggar, has been surprising me, recently; he has been spending more and more time brushing across my ankles, which is the only way that he has ever shown affection to me.

Jaggar was found, as a very young kitten, in the parking lot of a McDonald's parking lot with his chest caved in. His mother lay next to him, dead. Some fast food enthusiast, in the hurry for a quick burger had altered Jaggar's life for good.

Jaggar was rushed, by a good Samaritan, to a vet's office, and the people at the vet started taking care of Jaggar. At about that point in time, I started taking my dogs to that vet. For some reason that I can't remember, now, the vet people started bringing young Jaggar out to me, and showing me his progress, every time that I stopped in with my dogs.

When Jaggar was ready to be handed over to a good home, I was the logical choice.

Jaggar is a very standoffish cat. He has even been known to scratch, and bite strangers who have tried to pet him. He doesn't give me lots of attention, and affection, like my other cat Kobain does, but I think that I can understand the reason: Jaggar did not have a normal upbringing. Bonding with humans like many cats do may not be a normal thing for Jaggar. I love him anyway, and am pleased with these recent extra displays of affection that he has been giving my ankles.

I'll take love any way that I can get it.

She believes in me
can't you see
that even though
she lives across the sea
she believes in me.

Would you like to have a cup of coffee?

I remember days when we were not as old as we are now.
We used to drink coffee and study together.
Then you'd go do your thing, and I would do mine,
I know it's not, but it seems almost like yesterday.
I can't remember if I wanted to win you over,
but I liked that you were sitting there with me.

He's got a ring on his finger

He's got a ring on his finger.
He's got cheating on his mind,
he's in a rock and roll band,
good looking available girls
are not hard to find.

He loves his wife.
He loves his children,
but he forgets that
they are waiting for him at home.

He was good enough to be
playing in the big leagues.
I found him in the bush league,
like a line out of a Billy Joel song,
I said, "Man what are you doing here?
He said, "I don't know."

He's got a ring on his finger.
He's got cheating on his mind,
he's in a rock and roll band,
good looking available girls
are not hard to find.

If you are going to be single,
be single.
If you are married, be married,
it only hurts another
when you cheat, and lie.

A piece of ass only lasts a night time,
you promised to be loyal to her
for a lifetime.

He's got a ring on his finger.
He's got cheating on his mind,
he's in a rock and roll band,
good looking available girls
are not hard to find.

He loves his wife.
He loves his children,
but he forgets that
they are waiting for him at home.

He was good enough to be
playing in the big leagues.
I found him in the bush league,
like a line out of a Billy Joel song,
I said, "Man what are you doing here?
He said, "I don't know."

He's got a ring on his finger.
He's got cheating on his mind,
he's in a rock and roll band,
good looking available girls
are not hard to find.

The girl he's with tonight
will be with another guitar player
his wife waits at home, alone.
He told her in an email
that he was too busy to call her
on the telephone.

The boys in the band know
what's going on,
they bite their tongue;
got to keep that money flowing.

She's beautiful this stranger,
in appearance, but on the bus
she'll just be a scent.
In the morning, he'll send
his love to his wife,
tell her that she's beautiful,
but he's only got one thing
on his mind.

He's got a ring on his finger.
He's got cheating on his mind,
he's in a rock and roll band,
good looking available girls
are not hard to find.

Copyright Mikel K Music
(This is a song in need of a singer.
This song needs a guitar.)

All things are brand new

Nothing lasts forever
don't you know that it's true
Life is change,
things are constantly moving,
from the molecules in your body,
to the thoughts in your head.
I don't live in the house
that I grew up in,
and probably neither do you.
The sparrow that is singing
outside my window is probably
brand new,
every day I've got a new list
of things that I've got to do.
Love is the answer,
you know that that is true.

She misses the south
the hospitality of
its men and women.
"Are you ever coming back?"
I asked her,
"Nothing lasts forever,"
was her reply.

Would you like to have a cup of coffee?

I remember days when we were not as old as we are now.
We used to drink coffee and study together.
Then you'd go do your thing, and I would do mine,
I know it's not, but it seems almost like yesterday.
I can't remember if I wanted to win you over,
but I liked that you were sitting there with me.
Now you are far away, and we are both much older,
but I can still feel you sitting next to me.

I like living in a dream,

I like feeling like
my life has meaning,
that some corporation
can't buy me,
and way underpay me
to own me.

One day she'll realize
that she shouldn't have
blown me off,
that I was what she was
looking for when she looked
elsewhere than me.

Thinking of you

I played the song you sent me,
and I thought of you.
I read the note that you sent me,
and I thought of you.
I woke in the morning
saw the sun rising,
heard the birds singing,
and I thought of you,
and I'm going to be now,
thinking of you.

--Mikel K

"I'm not photogenic," she said,
so I took her picture.

It is cool this morning, in this apartment, bordering on cold. Yesterday, it rained all day, but, today the sun is blazing out there. I don't know what the day will bring; you can never be sure what the day will bring, though you can map the day out, and hope that things go as you planned.

I plan to go to a Yoga class, tonight. It will be my first class in almost six months. Before that I had gone to Yoga for about two years, but my hip started hurting, and that lead to hip replacement surgery, which lead to me not being able to take Yoga for six months.

It is good to be back. I am sure that the class will be challenging. I won't be able to levitate like I could before. Ha ha!

Morning will bring the afternoon,
and in the evening I will say
I love you, meaning it for every
morning, afternoon, and evening
of our lives.

Coming out of the bathroom, a short while ago, my path is blocked by Henry, the Great Dane from next door, who is visiting for the day. He has his nose up in the air; it is meeting the nose of my cat, Jaggar, who is sitting next to his bowl of cat food, that is located behind a bottle of detergent, on top of the clothes drier, so that my dog Bundy won't get up on his back legs, and eat it. I think that it is amazing that a Great Dane, and a cat who mostly likes to be alone, can be making out like this. If these two can get along why can't everybody else?

We were Catholic, and I sat next to my dad at dinner. If I didn't eat everything on my plate, he would slap me, and say, "You're mother and I worked hard to put that food on your plate." To this day, no matter how much food is on any plate put down in front of me, I eat every crumb. It can cause weight issues.


I've lost her, only
I never had her.

I'm appalled at
the books
that they are
giving awards to,
and I haven't
even entered
the contest.
I'm too good for it,
or too insecure,
I don't want to win,
and I can't stand
to lose,
so I sit on the sidelines,
and complain,
that that could have been,
should have been me.
What a parasite.
What a sick, sad, lonely
human being I must be,
with a smile on my face
as I type this.

Think about it

FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 2010
Be careful on whose dotted line you sign

They want to invade our privacy.
They want to steal our homes.
They'd put us on the sidewalk,
care not where we roam.
We're down on our luck,
so that they could make a buck.
Enter not into obligation with them.
Posted by mikel k poetat 9:58 AM0 comments Links to this post

The neighbors play classical music
in the morning.
They play rock and roll at night.
Our dogs mingle; never do they fight.
And if either of us should need
a cup of sugar from the other,
there it would be.
Posted by mikel k poetat 9:52 AM0 comments Links to this post
This new day is brilliant. I am so blessed to have been allowed to see another day.
Posted by mikel k poetat 8:58 AM0 comments Links to this post
When I find her, or when she finds me
I will be the luckiest man alive.

How can I as a formerly B student
expect my kids to be straight A?

She believes that friendship is love.
I believe that you should wear a glove,
when you pull the pan full of cookies
out of the oven.

I thought that I saw you looking at me,
so I asked you out, and you said no.
Posted by mikel k poetat 8:45 AM0 comments Links to this post
When I find her, or when she finds me
I will be the luckiest man alive.
Posted by mikel k poetat 8:44 AM0 comments Links to this post
How can I as a formerly B student
expect my kids to be straight A?
Posted by mikel k poetat 10:45 PM0 comments Links to this post
She believes that friendship is love.
I believe that you should wear a glove,
when you pull the pan full of cookies
out of the oven.
Posted by mikel k poetat 10:43 PM0 comments Links to this post
I thought that I saw you looking at me,
so I asked you out, and you said no.
Posted by mikel k poetat 10:34 PM0 comments Links to this post
We used to be friends

I ran into a man who probably knew my former lover
Posted by mikel k poetat 2:01 PM0 comments Links to this post
Birth Right

I didn't much listen to my father,
and my son probably didn't much listen to me.
Posted by mikel k poetat 1:58 PM0 comments Links to this post

My head itches, but that doesn't mean
that I am intelligent; it means that
I have inherited dandruff from my father,
and have passed it on to my son.
Posted by mikel k poetat 10:36 AM0 comments Links to this post
My friend

It's the kind of thing
that could end anytime.
It's the kind of thing
that might never end.
Posted by mikel k poetat 10:34 AM0 comments Links to this post
You must owe me something, and I want it, now.
Posted by mikel k poetat 12:47 AM0 comments Links to this post
I won't say to you, what I said to I'd lie if I said to you that I don't lie. I can't paint a perfect picture of tomorrow, I can't paint a perfect picture of yesterday.
Posted by mikel k poetat 12:26 AM0 comments Links to this post
If I start thinking about my future,
I get neurotic. I don't want to be
that old guy bagging your groceries.
Posted by mikel k poetat 10:24 PM0 comments Links to this post
No no kitty

The cat has made it
to the porch, with an eye
to the front door,
I am sure,
but that is not
going to happen
on my watch.
Posted by mikel k poetat 10:15 PM0 comments Links to this post
Lost old man you'll never be found.

What is happening now that you are dead?
Are you trying to say to me from Heaven
what you couldn't say to me on earth?
I doubt it. Was I fun to knock around,
or were you simply out of control,
as I have been in my life?
Did you do the best you could?
Is there any use in holding a grudge
against you?
My hair is long like you hated,
I never got the job that you said was good.
Is it really true that I'll always be useless.